Overall, it made for an enjoyable time, but one heavily outclassed by the likes of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and likely the upcoming 2019’s Link’s Awakening remake. Starting with the controls of Ittle, I think it could’ve benefited with more restriction of the angles, and provided the ability to move while swinging your sword. I probably should’ve expected Final Fantasy 6 instead of Mystic Quest, so I sorta dug my own grave there.Īll of these elements make an experience I wouldn’t call ‘bad’ by any means, but it definitely could have spent more time in the oven if you ask me. You can max out your health at 10 hearts, something I didn’t do myself. Ittle starts the game with 5 hearts, but collecting crayon boxes increases that number they work most like Zelda’s heart containers. Enemies also hit like Ganondorf’s forward-smash in Super Smash Bros. Most enemies in the second half of the game take multiple hits to kill, way more then it feels like they should. Ittle Dew 2+’s combat is a bit of a rough around the edges. There are hidden caves all around the island for you to discover, but they don’t usually diverge much from what a typical dungeon room is though and, at worst, they’re just kind of a slog to get through. It felt repetitive near the later parts of the game, especially going for optional puzzles. Puzzles in the game range from killing every enemy on screen, to hitting one or more crystals at similar times, to pushing blocks and standing on top of switches, or to gathering keys all of this stuff is done to unlock doors, that’s it. The game puts a huge emphasis on its puzzles, the problem though is that there’s not many types of puzzle. However, I barely noticed it in practice, I found most of these dungeon items alright to use. Each dungeon can be finished exclusively with the dungeon item found inside, which sounds like it could be an issue. In most of the dungeons you can collect a main “dungeon item” such as a magic wand, ice ring, or flaming sword. When Ittle swings she stops dead in her tracks which got me hit sometimes, but it was never really a huge detractor for me. A major issue I have is Ittle can move in 360 degrees, meaning aiming your weapon or sub-weapons with the analogue stick can be a chore. Ittle Dew 2+ controls about the way you’d expect it to: move around, swing your sword, use items, and the works. I enjoyed his grumpy demeanor, and his attempts to kick Ittle and Tipsie off the island. The island caretaker, Passel, was another favorite of mine. They get paid to be dungeon keepers, but they don’t take it too seriously. The bosses have their own personality that get to shine as well, as you can find them in the main world living their lives as people. I enjoyed Ittle and Tipsie the most, but they aren’t the only characters. The game has a self-awareness to it, never taking itself too serious, and keeping to a general world rule-set, whilst breaking the fourth wall with quips like, “It’s so the developers can save time”. Tipsie mostly acts as your guide, marking locations on your map and such. You’ll notice lots of similarities between Ittle and Link, though silence is not one of them as Ittle’s personality gets to shine quite a bit. Ittle and Tipsie have these cute interactions throughout the game, both inside dungeons and before fighting bosses. The island’s caretaker splits your raft into 8 pieces and hides them among the islands 8 main dungeons. You play as Ittle, a spunky little girl adventuring with her sidekick, Tipsie the both of you have crash landed your raft on an island. This review will contain images of later parts of the game, but not story spoilers. I have never played the original Ittle Dew, so let’s see how newcomer friendly this game is. Let’s find out how it holds up on a complete play-through.
Ittle dew 2 walkthrough switch series#
Personally, I didn’t get very far when making a series on it, but I enjoyed my time then.
Ittle dew 2 walkthrough switch code#
I received a review code when the game first came out, and it will be how I take a look at it now. Developed by Ludosity and published on Nintendo Switch by Nicalis.

Ittle Dew 2+ is a Zelda inspired 2D action-rpg with lots of puzzles and combat (Editor’s Note: Ittle Dew 2+ is the name for the Switch version, everywhere else it’s just Ittle Dew 2).