Aural learners
Aural learners

This study tries to reveal the typology of student learning in Qira'ah subjects, the Multiple Intelligence of students in these subjects, and the relationship between student learning typology in Qira'ah subjects from the perspective of Multiple Intelligences. This paper draws attention to the views and practices of language learners as a means of increasing teachers' awareness of Auditory Learning and Teaching in classroom environment. The features of learners with Auditory Learning style include building up more comprehensive sentences, being talkative, sensitive to sound and music, memorizing the songs fast and easily, being inclined to learn foreign languages, learning by talking, having difficulty in reading and writing skills, participating in group discussions, using audiotapes for language practices. The views of the students obtained through interviews suggest that their skills, attitudes and predispositions to Auditory Learning Style are significative and determinative factors for learning effectively. The research was carried out with the participation of fifteen university students in the cities of Tekirdağ and Erzincan. A qualitative research method was used to evaluate and compare the views of the students on Auditory Learning and Teaching Strategy in the classroom. To obtain necessary data from participants, we asked two open ended questions to the participant students: How can you learn foreign language best in the classroom environment? and What kind of teaching or learning strategies does your foreign language teacher use and implement in the classroom?.

aural learners

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the views of students over Auditory Teaching and Learning Strategy for an interactive and communicative classroom environment.

aural learners

Auditory components such as tone, pitch, and loudness are all important to these learners. Auditory learners are good at remembering what they hear as they learn information through auditory representation. Auditory learning style enables auditory learners to learn best by hearing or through verbal communication.

Aural learners